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Virtual Teamwork & Leadership

Leading virtual teams may feel like “leading in the dark” as distance prevents you from seeing how your team members are really doing. In this webinar recording, Professor Niina Nurmi shares practical tips for improving your leadership in virtual teams.




COVID-19 has forced us to go virtual and work remotely with no preparatory time. Even for strong teams, moving from local to virtual has been challenging, The good news is that we have a lot of research knowledge that advice how to lead and work effectively in virtual teams. The tools and technologies that support virtual collaboration have also improved dramatically over the past decades.

Niina Nurmi, Professor, International Design Business Management, Director of IDBM Master's program, Aalto University says that there are three overarching challenges that we need to understand better in this situation:

  • While many of us have experience working remotely, not everyone has the same skills, comfort or access to use technology. In this webinar, you will learn how to run and participate in virtual meetings effectively and leverage collaboration technology.
  • Team dynamics are more fragile to manage across distance and uncertainty may afflict trust when we don’t meet face-to-face. This webinar shares research-based knowledge about behavioral guidelines that help to sustain social relationships and developing trust when working virtually with others.
  • Leading virtual teams may feel like “leading in the dark” as distance prevents you from seeing how your team members are really doing. In this webinar, you will get practical tips for improving your leadership in virtual teams.

Professor Niina Nurmi leads International Design Business Management (IDBM) Master’s program, Aalto University’s flagship that is a joint multi-disciplinary endavour between all six Aalto schools. Her research focuses on the future of work in global organizations - how to design thriving collaborations for better employee health, creativity, and innovativeness in global virtual work. Traditional work design theories have not kept pace with changes in modern-day work. My research addresses this gap by focusing on work design and management of global virtual collaborations – situations in which knowledge workers are at a distance from other team members and must rely on communication technology to facilitate their interaction across distance, language, and cultures.


This webinar is a part of the Leading in Extraordinary Times Webinar Series.

Extraordinary times call for visionary leadership. Aalto EE is committed to supporting your way through these demanding times and helping you to become even stronger and more resilient in the process.  

We are offering you a free webinar series where experts from Aalto University and Aalto EE address the challenges and opportunities that now arise within organizations. 

The webinar series is part of Aalto Leaders' Insight content that you can subscribe to your email

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