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Leading in Extraordinary Times Webinar Series

Extraordinary times call for visionary leadership. Aalto EE is committed to supporting your way through these demanding times and helping you to become even stronger and more resilient in the process.




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We are offering you a free webinar series where experts from Aalto University and Aalto EE address the challenges and opportunities that now arise within organizations.

Rediscovering the Purpose During Crisis – Case Study from 9/11 and SARS

Derin Kent from Aalto University will draw from his research on the SARS-1 outbreak and 9/11 to share lessons about how people might flourish personally and professionally during the coronavirus pandemic. 

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Using Emotional Intelligence to Create Psychological Safety and Engagement

Riitta Lumme-Tuomala and Ben Nothnagel from Aalto EE discuss components of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and the importance of understanding EQ’s impact on performance and success.

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Liquidity Management and Dealing with Financial Distress

Matti Suominen, Professor, Finance from Aalto University School of Business says that management for value requires cutting the wings from financial distress spiral. As bankruptcies typically occur due to lack of liquidity, securing sufficient liquidity is a key. What are the options? When is the best moment to seek liquidity from the financial markets? What financing solutions work best for distressed firms and why?

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Virtual Teamwork & Leadership

We have a lot of research knowledge that advises how to lead and work effectively in virtual teams says Niina Nurmi, Professor, International Design Business Management, Director of IDBM Master's program, Aalto University. In the webinar, she opens the 3 overarching challenges and gives tips to them:

  1. While many of us have experience working remotely, not everyone has the same skills, comfort, or access to use technology.
  2. Team dynamics are more fragile to manage across distance and uncertainty may afflict trust when we don’t meet face-to-face.
  3. Leading virtual teams may feel like “leading in the dark” as distance prevents you from seeing how your team members are really doing.

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Rapid Strokes – Slow Games: Leading in Extraordinary Times

Dr. Pekka Mattila, Group Managing Director, Aalto EE and Professor of Practice, Aalto University School of Business. talks about leadership and the ambidextrous manners that organizations are obliged to act in, during these extraordinary times – one hand runs the everyday business and the other one is coping with the future. All organizations need to harness themselves for the future while simultaneously having to make painful and dramatic decisions related to daily operations. This requires exceptional leadership of today with a focused vision of tomorrow.

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The Impact of COVID-19 to Financial Markets

Vesa Puttonen, Professor, Finance, Aalto University School of Business illustrates how financial markets globally have responded to the current Covid-19 pandemic. The stock market finally ended their longest bull run in history amid coronavirus and this black swan event resulted in panic selling in other asset classes, too. Capital markets, central banks and financial regulators have been actively taking steps to mitigate major market disruptions. Massive fiscal stimulus packages have been announced. 

•    Is this enough to calm the financial markets? 
•    How shall we proceed? 
•    Which are the losing and winning businesses? 

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Content around the Theme

The webinar series is part of Aalto Leaders' Insight content. Here are hand-picked contents around this theme.

Rapid Strokes – Slow Games

Dr. Pekka Mattila says that the coronavirus has forced many organizations to radical rhythm changes. The situation is equally challenging to us leaders; we need to find totally new ways to balance between the acute safety of the work community, financial survival in the short term, and the long-term dreams.


Ben Nothnagel Wants Leaders to Learn One Question: “Should I?”

Be self-aware of how you are feeling and behaving - be “situation smart”. Ben Nothnagel says that one cannot always change the circumstances in which work is done and decisions are made. But behavioral patterns in a pressurizing environment are something that can be influenced. 

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Aalto-yliopiston johtajat: ”Työelämän muuttuessa sekä vapaus että vastuu kasvavat”

Ihmisistä tulee työelämän muutoksen myötä oman elämänsä yrittäjiä. Miksi? Rehtori Ilkka Niemelä ja provosti Kristiina Mäkelä Aalto-yliopistosta vastaavat.

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