Labor Market Education
Unemployment can happen to anyone. You no longer have to seek work alone. The first and key goal of Aalto PRO's F.E.C. programs is the employment of the participant. The experienced employment professionals will support you every step of the way. Our programs have good employment outcomes because they offer participants high quality training and the chance to demonstrate their professional skills and motivation directly to companies.
We have almost 20 years of experience of F.E.C. programs. The quality of F.E.C. programs by Aalto PRO, a university player, is excellent: at least 40% of the program instructors are from Aalto University. Many thousands of professionals have been recruited by thousands of firms around Finland through us. CEOs have been recruited from our programs, which have also helped doctoral graduates to find employment. Our programs have a post-program employment rate of over 70 percent and our customer feedback is excellent.
Employment is the goal #1
Over 70% find employment
Over 5,000 companies have employed experts like you through us
Labor Market Trainings
More information for companies and organizations about FEC programs
FEC Training Concept for Job Seekers – Reconciling Job Seekers' and Employers' Needs
The Further Educated with Companies (FEC) training concept is designed in cooperation with a TE Center. Its purpose is to reconcile job seekers' current expertise, development, and career goals with the skills needs of potential new employers. Involving the establishment of a training contract, the FEC program includes Aalto PRO's high-quality training and practical work for the partner company by the job seeker. Training and work alternate during the program.
The target group for FEC training comprises highly educated people who have become unemployed, been temporarily laid off, or are threatened with redundancy.
The program lasts around six months, 80 percent of which involves working for a company. Training days are held in 1–3 day periods around once a month. The FEC program, therefore, includes a six-month cooperation period with the potential employee to conclude an employment contract.
A Shift of Focus from Training to Work
FEC (Further Educated with Companies) programs were developed in the early 1990s through collaboration between the Uusimaa ELY Centre, Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland (TEK), and Aalto EE's predecessors. We have therefore been involved in the programs from the beginning.
The key idea and novel aspect of FEC programs is employment through work. Therefore, the focus of recruitment programs has shifted from training to working in the target companies.
Through Aalto EE's FEC programs, job seekers' current expertise, development, and career goals are matched with the real needs of potential new employers. Theoretical teaching and practical work at the target company or organization alternate during the program.
Employment Matching Background and Goals
The primary objective of the FEC program is to find You a new job that corresponds to your background and goals. In addition, you can develop your skills through the training included in the program. During the program, you will familiarize yourself with the activities of a company that interests you and apply your skills to various agreed practical tasks. You will learn new things through assignments and the training included in the program. The half-year training program also provides an excellent opportunity to expand your professional network.
70 Percent of Participants Find Employment
FEC programs have been achieving good results for almost 20 years. An average of more than 70 percent of participants have found work after the program. Approximately 80% of those who participated in our previous FEC programs have rated the training as good or excellent. They have also given excellent feedback to their classmates: participants have been buoyed by the course's professional but sincere and friendly spirit, providing them with invaluable energy and emotional support when seeking employment.
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