Green Transformation Challenges Every Organization to Renew Itself

The green transition means a shift towards economically sustainable growth and an economy not based on fossil fuels and overconsumption of natural resources. A sustainable economy relies on low-carbon solutions that promote the circular economy and biodiversity. It is the most significant systemic change of our time. Every organization must undergo a sustainable transformation to speed up the green transition.

For companies, the manufacturing industry, and municipalities, the green transition can mean investments in clean energy production, circular economy solutions, hydrogen technology, and introducing new services and operating models. Low-carbon roadmaps and sustainability strategies drawn up by different sectors are important to this package. (Finnish Ministry of Environment)


Download Template: Sustainability Competence Development Mapping

The plan template contains questions about what to consider in sustainable transformation while planning sustainability competence development. Download a PDF to help your planning.

Sustainability Competence Development Mapping


The plan template contains questions about what to consider in sustainable transformation while planning sustainability competence development. Download a PDF to help your planning.

What are your organization’s development needs?

Book a consultation to discuss what kind of solutions we can offer and co-create together for your organization.

Rapid Changes Causing Skills and Capability Gaps

Complex sustainability challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, and global inequality call for ground-breaking and societally impactful research. Our key research areas give us a unique chance to create multidisciplinary knowledge on cutting-edge sustainability solutions.

At Aalto University, we study many exciting sustainability questions, like giving rebirth to abandoned materials, a revolution towards more sustainable energy and mobility, and solutions for water scarcity. We study innovation for poverty alleviation, sharing economy, climate finance, and many other topics, enabling us to create practice-relevant and multidisciplinary knowledge on cutting-edge sustainability solutions.

Reskilling and Upskilling Are Essential to Make Energy Transition a Reality

Energy transition refers to the global energy sector’s shift from fossil-based systems of energy production and consumption to renewable energy sources. Making such a huge transition a reality calls for new types of competencies, which was widely acknowledged in Aalto EE’s event “Making Energy Transition a Reality – Closing the Competence Gap.”

In Matters of Corporate Sustainability, the Actions of the State Owner Are Important

State-owned companies must be pioneers in matters of corporate sustainability, which require in-depth and up-to-date expertise from corporate governance. The world’s leading experts enhanced their expertise in the Aalto University Executive Education’s tailored training program.

As An Industry, We Must Become More Transparent about Our Environmental Impact

Calculating the environmental impact of the process industry also benefits business, as long as the calculations are accurate enough and performed with the right tools, remark Antti Roine and Markus A. Reuter, trainers in the EIT ALCASIM: Advanced LCA Simulation program.

Towards the Green Future

We help our clients build a sustainable enterprise by developing the capabilities and competencies needed to create a sustainability strategy, ensure green growth, and build sustainability into their daily operations.

  • Sustainability Masterclass brings your management team on the same page on sustainability matters
  • Aalto EE consortium programs help you weave sustainability into your value chain
  • Aalto EE helps to unlock your competitive advantage in the green transition via role-based competence development solutions across the organizations

Our expertise in large-scale training solutions ensures tailored training services for every role in your organization.

Services include:

  • Strategy-based business and competence development
  • Roadmap for sustainability competence development
  • Designing customized learning architectures to meet the needs of future businesses and different roles
  • Deliver programs and solutions with solid quality based on our experience in the learning business

Open Sustainability Programs

A responsible organization operates as sustainably as possible and considers its stakeholders and social role more broadly. The focus is on building long-term success and maintaining sustainable competitiveness, not on quick wins.

Our Co-Creation Process


Contact Us

Book a consultation to discuss how we can help to find the best solution for your organization.

Mari Rauhala

Director, Business Development

+358 10 837 3753

Ulla-Maija Uusitalo

Director, Sales and Account Management

+358 10 837 3776