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Diploma in Operations Management

Lean and Global Operations

Diploma in Operations Management (DOM), a manufacturing and production training program, explores production strategy as part of a company’s business strategy. The program provides a broad toolkit for each level of production and helps participants to develop operations already during the program. DOM develops experts for the future, who have a broad understanding of operations management and can solve even the most challenging problems independently.

The training provides you and your organization with a unique opportunity to develop your operations and competitiveness, and to network with other production professionals – grasp the opportunity and register now.

Note that this program is held in Finnish.

Program information in Finnish

In a time of continuous change, it is very easy to lapse into sub-optimization and always starting new development projects, while forgetting long-term strategy and development work.

The laws and basic principles of production have not changed in the turmoil of disruptive transition. They still involve balancing supply and demand, competitive advantage, value creation and the generation of financial benefits.

However, while the key questions remain the same, the means are changing. Strategy implementation is promoted by the activation of theory, models and concepts, the fueling of process innovations, and active dialogue among colleagues – also across industry boundaries.

On the DOM program, you will find solutions and answers to the following questions:

  • How to improve productivity?
  • How to increase customer satisfaction and quality?
  • How to reduce lead time and costs?
  • What are the critical success factors in organizational development?
  • How do world class companies develop their operations and networks?


December 11, 2024


The program will develop your ability to understand and solve challenges of the future and find up-to-date strategy implementation tools. The development project will enable you to gain a comprehensive overview of the selected production area and find solutions to tackling identified problems. Participants from a range of industries will ensure fruitful discussions that shake up familiar ways of thinking and inspire you to innovate.

You will spend time in an environment where you will learn from other participants – production experts from other companies
You will benefit from understanding theoretical perspectives and gain insights into new ideas and practical applications
You will develop a comprehensive understanding of manufacturing and production control, supply networks and production management


The target group of the Diploma in Operations Management is

  • experienced production managers; manufacturing, inventory, logistics, service, materials, and supply chain managers working in senior management or expert positions,
  • people moving into these challenging positions,
  • teachers and consultants.

Students from a very wide range of industries and service sectors have participated in the previous DOM training programs. Since challenges and development targets are often very similar despite diverse backgrounds, joint training offers an opportunity to identify good practices across industry boundaries.

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Contents and Schedule

The core of the program consists of five face-to-face training modules. The lessons learned and shared during the modules are deepened by practical assignments completed in your own company between modules. With new knowledge, shared experiences and the comprehensive course literature, the participants learn to improve the operations and processes in their own organizations.

Program themes include: productivity, efficiency, production strategy, production control, lean, continuous improvement, change management, the orchestration of supply networks and operations in a global environment. With the exception of one module, the language of instruction is Finnish, although the literature and some of the material are in English.

Program Structure

Face-to-face training modules

The training modules and literature explore production management from a variety of perspectives.

Practical assignments

The lessons learned and shared during the contact modules are deepened by practical assignments completed in your own company between modules.

Development project

The development project brings together the ideas, lessons learned, and the fruits of shared experiences gained during the training program.

Assignments and performance

The training program consists of four exercises, three book-reading assignments, and development project work to assist with guidance and the evaluation of what has been learned.

The exercises (4) are completed between the face-to-face modules and involve putting into practice the lessons learned during the teaching modules. An example of an exercise would be the trial of the visual A3 method in two or three meetings.

The book-reading assignments (3) guide and facilitate familiarization with the literature. They are reference and reflection-based, providing an exploratory approach to learning. The aim is that, while reading, you will analyze and structure your own knowledge, activities, experiences, perceptions, and ideas in addition to the knowledge provided by the book. The most suitable sections of the books are used with respect to your own work, while using a systematic method of recording new ideas.

Reporting templates for the books structure the reading, while ensuring that the participant has developed a broad overview of the text, to which the selected issues handled during the contact teaching modules are related.

Development project

Reporting on the development project is essay-based and complies with the academic, methodically grounded approach to writing.

Performance assessment

For the DOM, performance is assessed and accepted with respect to the overall portfolio, which is accumulated from the various descriptions of learning results posted in the training program’s online environment.

The requirements for passing the Diploma in Operations Management training program and obtaining the related certificate are as follows

  • participation in 80% of the contact teaching modules
  • achieving a pass mark in the set assignments.

The DOM training program does not involve final examinations. The study attainments consist of the following contents:

  • Contact teaching and informal learning 13 credits
  • Assignments, of which reporting accounts for 2 credits
  • Books, of which reporting accounts for 3 credits
  • Report on final work 2 credits
  • Total of 20 credits

Performance is evaluated only as a whole. No certificates are issued for parts of the program.

Progam Fee and Registration

Program start

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