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Aalto EMBA in Helsinki

Passion to Lead

Aalto Executive MBA (EMBA) is one of Europe's leading Executive MBA programs. It holds the 'Triple Crown' of accreditations – the three most respected international accreditations, AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS, granted to only around 1% of the world's business schools – and is ranked among the top 100 programs worldwide.

The Aalto EMBA program helps you develop a strong professional network and accelerates your career progression. It boosts the key knowledge and skills relevant for individuals with significant professional work experience to succeed further in senior leadership roles.

The program focuses on the four core business areas of strategy, leadership, finance, and marketing, with special emphasis on strategy and leadership in a global context. Strategy is approached from a variety of perspectives with an emphasis on inventive strategies and novel business models. Leadership covers a range of themes from self-leadership to leading and inspiring others.

The program diploma is granted by Aalto University School of Business.

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100% of participants* would recommend the program
The Aalto EMBA program truly expands one’s understanding of the business world, and the new insights are highly applicable.

*Respondents to program feedback questionnaire

Outstanding Participant Experience
The grade given by our MBA programs participants for the support and customer service of the program team is 5.8/6.

Graduate on Schedule
Our graduation rate is 99%. The flexible yet structured program design, together with strong support from the EMBA team, enables you to successfully combine highly demanding career responsibilities with intensive studies.


The Aalto EMBA program is designed to enhance the participants’ personal skills and leadership competencies. The modules also strengthen the participants’ strategic thinking, thus increasing their understanding of why businesses need to transform and how they themselves can become drivers of organizational transformation.

Feed your mind for growth to reach your highest potential
Acquire a holistic understanding of global business management
Develop universally relevant competencies with an emphasis on strategy and leadership
Gain insights and develop practical business-oriented skills that can be applied immediately
Learn from classmates and faculty with vast and diverse experience
Build a network and social capital that will serve you well in the future as a source of advice, business, recruitment, and friendship
Tailor a flexible study plan to suit your schedule and competence development needs
Give yourself time away from busy daily life for strategic thinking and reflection, both independently and with peers for mutual enrichment
Reinforce your professional confidence to face new challenges
Feel secure in your investment; strong support from a dedicated EMBA team ensures your timely graduation


The Aalto Executive MBA is designed for professionals with significant work experience. Typically, participants have 15 years of relevant work experience, ranging from 8 to 25 years.

The program is best suited for talented professionals with strong management and leadership experience, steady career progression, and curiosity to learn more. Candidates who are looking to take their organization to the next level will find true value in the holistic overview the program offers for business management.

Profile of Aalto EMBA in Helsinki 2020-2023 Participants

Educational Background




Average Age

15 years

Average Work Experience


Different Nationalities

Contents and Schedule

To fulfill the requirements for the Aalto Executive MBA diploma, participants must successfully complete studies worth 90 ECTS study credits, including some international elements. Studies include 13 core modules, two compulsory projects (Business Strategy Project and Self-development Process), and elective modules worth a total of 22.5 ECTS. Typically, one elective module is worth 4.5 ECTS credits.

The Aalto Executive MBA in Helsinki is a two-year program starting in October. The program has a modular structure and follows a six-week learning cycle. Modules are typically run once a month with contact learning sessions on Thursday from 10:00 to 18:00, Friday from 8:30 to 17:00, and Saturday from 8:30 to 16:00. Each module contains a written pre-assignment and a take-home assignment.

Program Structure

Pre-module period of three weeks

Individual preparation

Three-day module

Intensive contact learning session with instructor and peers

Post-module period of three weeks

Take-home assignment

Core Modules

The Aalto EMBA program includes 13 core modules. The core modules are designed to provide participants with a wide understanding of the different key areas of business, and participants acquire skills that are essential for any leader. The core modules are building blocks of the EMBA program and help participants to integrate knowledge in the various management disciplines with hands-on practice. All these topics will be approached and discussed from the point of view of leadership and strategy.

  • Personal and Organizational Leadership
  • Financial Accounting and Analysis of Financial Statements
  • Management Accounting and Control
  • Economics
  • Corporate Finance
  • Strategic Management
  • Corporate Communications
  • Strategic Marketing Management
  • Corporate Responsibility
  • Strategic People Management
  • Business Processes
  • Aalto Executive Summit
  • Capstone

International Studies

Aalto EMBA participants are required to complete an international module. The options for completing are:

  • joining an elective module arranged by Aalto EE abroad,
  • joining a study tour abroad, or
  • joining a module abroad at one of our partner universities.

Elective Modules

Aalto EMBA participants can choose from a wide variety of elective modules:

  • Elective modules under the Aalto Executive MBA program, the Aalto MBA program, and the Global Leader program in Helsinki
  • Range of electives in the form of study tours and in EMBA programs at our international partner universities
  • Several elective modules in the form of open executive programs

Outline Your Learning Goals and Assess the Impact during the Orientation and Capstone Module 

The Orientation kicks off and Capstone wraps up the EMBA studies. The program objectives and participants’ personal learning goals are outlined in the Orientation at the beginning of the program, while the learning outcomes and benefits of the studies are assessed in the Capstone. This core module strengthens the program’s emphasis on strategy and challenges participants to integrate learnings from different areas of the program.

Turn Insight into Action during the Aalto EMBA Business Strategy Project

The Aalto EMBA program includes a Business Strategy Project (BSP), a consultancy project carried out in a small team with the final aim of developing an analytical solution or tool for a concrete strategic business challenge faced by an organization. The project aims to utilize the insights gained during the program, with project groups organized to maximize the use of the individual competencies of their members. Skilled academic tutors from Aalto University help the teams develop an update on the state-of-the-art in academic research related to the project topic.

Dive Deep into Yourself in the Aalto EMBA Self-development Process

The Self-development Process (SDP) is a fundamental part of the Aalto EMBA; it supports you in the process of personal development as a leader and as an individual throughout your studies and way beyond. It includes self-steered studying, peer coaching, facilitated group workshops, and one-to-one coaching with the support of a professional instructor.

Take Part in Memorable Study Tours

Although optional, international study tours are an important part of the Aalto Executive MBA program. An Aalto EMBA study tour is designed to offer in-depth understanding of a chosen theme relevant in the local environment and typically involves a five-day study period abroad. World-class faculty from, for example, Harvard and Yale, are guaranteed to provide interesting academic instruction. Other components of a study tour, such as company visits and campus tours, as well as fun extracurricular activities, bring the finishing touch for a comprehensively superb experience.

Witness Your Own Progress as a Leader

Aalto EMBA graduates agree that the program develops strategic thinking by providing new knowledge and tools that can be applied immediately in practice. Just as important, you will gain insights into becoming a world-class leader – skills that never lose their relevance and which will be extremely valuable along your future path.

Explore Cutting-Edge Research at Aalto Executive Summit

The annual Aalto Executive Summit brings together Aalto EMBA and MBA participants and alumni from around the world. During the Summit, you will learn about cutting-edge Aalto University research and innovations on current topics while enjoying the atmosphere of the Aalto University main campus and a unique opportunity to meet business leaders and network with Summit participants.

Gain Access to the Alumni Network

All graduates automatically become members of the Aalto EE and Aalto University alumni community. Aalto EE and Aalto University continuously arrange events, company visits, and meetings with fellow alumni. With more than 19,000 alumni worldwide, Aalto EE provides a valuable network for you to connect with your fellow alumni. We offer you access to the latest knowledge and an extensive global business network.

Flexible EMBA

The Aalto EMBA program starts in the fall, but you have the opportunity to complete some elective modules before the official start of the program. There are a number of modules available monthly in our ongoing MBA programs that you can choose from. The completed modules and study credits will be included in your EMBA studies.

This way, you can get a feeling for studying in the program and can complete some of the required modules before the official start of your EMBA program, and you will also gain some flexibility in tailoring your EMBA study plan and schedule.

Admission Requirements and Fee

Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent
  • Minimum five years of relevant postgraduate work experience in managerial or senior specialist positions
  • Good command of written and spoken English

The application process includes:

  • Submission of the required application documents
  • Personal meeting

If you are not sure about meeting some of the requirements, please contact the Aalto EMBA admissions team.

Tuition Fee


Application Deadlines

Start Your Application Process

Start your application process by completing the preliminary application. Please note that submitting this form is the first step in the actual application process. After submitting the form, our admissions team will contact you and guide you in the application process.

Further Application Stages