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AI Unboxed: Exploring Impacts on Individuals, Organizations, and Society

In the second It's FrA!day webinar, we had Teemu Vidgren, Microsoft Finland, and Dr. Hertta Vuorenmaa, Aalto University as our guests




In the second It's FrA!day webinar, we had Teemu Vidgren, COO, Microsoft Finland, and Dr. Hertta Vuorenmaa, Research Director, Future of Work, Aalto University, as our guests, discussing how AI impacts the work from the point of view of individuals, organizations, and society.

The webinar includes personal examples, case examples, and research data about the impacts and adoption of AI in different functions and industries in organizations in Nordics. It will also include pointers on how to get going with AI adaptation and what type of return to expect from investments in AI.

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