Currently reading: Aalto Leaders' Insight: Scale-up Challenge - Overcome the Scaling Barriers and Maximize Growth

Scale-up Challenge - Overcome the Scaling Barriers and Maximize Growth

It is exciting to start a new venture or promote innovation. Once you get started, you face many uncertainties, expectations and results. How to leverage them and create strategies and operations that you are confident with?




In this Aalto Leaders’ Insight event Dr. Shailendra Vyakarnam, Entrepreneurship Educator and co-writer of the best selling Scale-up Manual shared his views on how to overcome scaling barriers and maximize growth. Veijo Komulainen, a business professional from Consulate General of Finland in New York, shared his thoughts on how to lead scaling up. There was also a panel discussion on the matter.

Shailendra Vyakarnam, why is scaling-up so hard?


Dr. Shailendra Vyakarnam is the Director of the Bettany Centre for Entrepreneurship at Cranfield School of Management. He is specialized in board room team development across industries, business growth strategies and mentoring early-stage businesses. He has also been an advisor to several governments on entrepreneurial ecosystems and education, as well as technology commercialization.

Veijo Komulainen is a business professional with 25 years of experience in leadership. For the last years, he has worked in Consulate General of Finland in New York, helping Finnish start-ups to expand their business to the market. 


  • Introduction and Welcome to the Event
    Minna Wickholm, Business Area Director, Open Programs, Aalto ENT
  • The Triple Chasm Model and its implications for Scale-up Challenges
    Shailendra Vyakarnam
  • How to Lead Scaling Up
    Veijo Komulainen
  • How to overcome the scaling barriers and grow? 
    Panel discussion

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