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Global Talent F.E.C
New possibilities await - step forward!
Would you like to build your career in Finland and face new challenges? Have you already gained some experience in your field but need more knowledge about how Finnish companies and other employers operate? Global Talent F.E.C program can take you further - apply now to the recruitment training program!
In the Global Talent F.E.C recruitment program, you can acquire an overall understanding of the Finnish business environment and its principles, including, for example, business communication, innovation, sales, and customer value.
During the program, you contribute to your partner company, for example, in product development, sales, or export roles, depending on your background and common interests with the company. You will participate in training modules that deepen or broaden your current expertise and be better equipped to market your expertise in the Finnish labor market. The aim of the program is to find you a permanent position after the program.
Global Talent F.E.C recruitment training program is part of the Talent Boost program by the Finnish Government. Talent Boost aims to attract international talents to the Finnish labor market and harness the expertise of the talents already living in Finland to support Finnish companies.
*) F.E.C = Further Educated with Companies is a labor market training concept to conclude an employment contract. Its purpose is to reconcile job seekers' current expertise, development, and career goals with the needs of potential new employers. The program lasts around six months and includes Aalto EE's high-quality training and practical work with a partner company.
The benefits of the F.E.C training program for the organization
The organization and the participant sign a training contract. If the company is satisfied with the results of the training period, it can hire the participant during the program or once the program has ended.
- The F.E.C program is a cost-effective, flexible, and reliable way to find new talent for your organization.
- The program focuses on developing a specific area of expertise. The partner organization decides on the tasks together with the participant.
- Aalto EE proposes a range of candidates suitable to your organization and helps you select. The candidates are preselected by the TE Office and Aalto EE.
- The participant gains access to a well-designed, university-level further education program and brings the latest know-how to your organization.
F.E.C Training Concept for Businesses
Aalto EE draws up a list of potential candidates for your company from a group of job seekers. Your company will interview interesting candidates and pay the program participation fee, but only if a suitable person is found. Because the selected person will receive unemployment benefit during the program, your company will not pay a salary. The program period will provide the opportunity to customize assignments, roles, and goals in accordance with the skills and abilities demonstrated in practice, and meet your company’s needs. Once the goals have been met, your company can secure the candidate’s services through an employment contract at any point in the program.
Reconciling Jobseekers’ and Employers’ Needs
The Further Educated with Companies (F.E.C) training concept is designed together with a TE Center.
Its purpose is to reconcile the current expertise, development, and career goals of job seekers with the skills needs of potential new employers. Involving the establishment of a training contract, the F.E.C program includes Aalto EE’s high-quality training, as well as practical work for the partner company by the job seeker. Training and work alternate during the program.
The program lasts for around six months, 80% of which involves working for the company. Training days are held in 1–3 day periods around once a month. The F.E.C program therefore includes a six-month cooperation period with the potential employee – with the aim of concluding an employment contract.
In every case, the trainee's job description will be customized to meet your company’s needs. It can involve any of the company's activities. Options include sales and marketing, project management, internationalization, ICT, change management, work at the customer interface, or expertise in other tasks.
Experts Suitable for a Range of Roles
Hundreds of people apply for entry to workforce training arranged by Aalto EE, with successful applicants passing a three-stage selection process. Admission criteria include educational background, work experience, possession of special skills, a proactive attitude and motivation, and social skills. We can provide employees for a variety of roles, since our applicants range from new graduates to holders of doctoral degrees. The overall aim is both to meet the company’s forthcoming staffing needs and develop the candidate’s competencies through training.
Training with Public Funding
Because Aalto EE training programs aimed at recruitment receive public funding, they are cost-effective for companies. The total price paid by the company is EUR 8,400 (+ VAT). The participation fee also includes accidental injury and liability insurance for the trainee who will work at the target company.
When a candidate suitable for the company has been found, the trainee and Aalto EE sign a training contract covering the duration of the program. The company is not obliged to hire the trainee during or after the training program, even if the aim of the program is – naturally – the signing of an employment contract.
Experience, Reliability, and Excellent Results
The company will have Aalto EE's experts at its disposal throughout the training program. These experts will take charge of all practical arrangements for the program, ensuring that collaboration runs smoothly between all parties.
Aalto EE already has over 20 years of experience of training programs aimed at finding employment for program participants. Being part of Aalto University guarantees the quality and reliability of our work. Thousands of jobseekers have already been employed through us. Our course participants and corporate customers are highly satisfied: the collaborative try-outs result in the signing of an employment contract in over 70% of cases.
"The program provides an excellent way to hire skilled professionals from different cultural backgrounds, which enriches your company culture and gives your business broader perspective."
Marjo Kuosmanen, Head of HR at Suunto at the time of the interview, describes the program as an excellent opportunity for finding new talent.
Read the whole experience

The program provides participants with an overall understanding of the Finnish business environment and its principle. It also helps participants recognize and market their expertise in the Finnish labor market.
The program is for foreign nationals living in the capital region who have recently graduated from a Finnish university or University of Applied Sciences and are unemployed.
Also, suppose you are an unemployed immigrant or an immigrant under the threat of unemployment and have a university degree from another country and relevant work experience in your field of expertise; you can be accepted to the program, too. Furthermore, the program also fits you if you have moved to Finland because of your spouse's work or are a Finnish citizen moving back to Finland from abroad.
You must have sufficient English mastery to be eligible, as the program will be in English. Also, international individuals must have a right to public employment and business services, i.e., TE Services. You have completed your Bachelor's, Master, or Ph.D. degree from various fields of science. Full-time students cannot be selected.
Contents and Schedule
The training program includes lectures, workshops, individual learning, and tutoring. As a participant, you will be assigned a mentor in your partner company during the program. You will also receive tutoring during the program to support your learning and potential for employment.
You, as the participant, the partner company, and Aalto EE will sign a training contract for the program. You will work for their matched company for about 80% of the time allocated for the program.
Uusimaa Centre for Economic Development, Transport, and the Environment supports training.
In addition to working in the company and participating in the shared learning modules, you can choose from pre-selected training modules that best support your performance and development. Examples of possible roles and supportive modules:
- Product development: you choose supportive online courses in innovation leadership, service management, and accounting to develop your expertise in R&D and investments and acquire the ability to work with the export team.
- Export and Sales: In the World-Class Negotiator live online module, you learn to understand the negotiation dynamics and get a solid base to work with the export and sales team and negotiate with international clients.
The core modules common for all participants (8 days)
- September 25, 2023: Orientation and Strategic job searching
- September 26-27, 2023: Engaging Networks and Stakeholders
- November 7-8, 2023: Communication and Cross-cultural leadership
- December 13-14, 2023: Growth through value-based sales
- February 2024 (TBC): Data driven business