Driving AI Transformation with Passion

Event Information

Date: Thursday September 07, 2023
Time: 15:30–16:30 (EET)
Location: live online

A Leadership Perspective

Digitalization and AI bring new opportunities and challenges for organizations. These changes can trigger strong emotions –excitement and fear, among others. These emotions can hinder adaptation and seizing opportunities. But, if you leverage the emotions productively, you can supercharge your transformation. In this webinar, you hear from leading strategy-emotion researchers worldwide about how leading AI transformation with passion becomes invaluable from a leadership perspective.

The speakers in the webinar are Timo Vuori, an Associate Professor, Strategic Management, Aalto University, and Emily Truelove, an Assistant Professor of Business Administration, the Organizational Behavior Unit, Harvard Business School.


  • Introduction and welcome
  • Timo Vuori, Aalto University: Turn fear into energy and drive AI transformation with passion
  • Emily Truelove, Harvard Business School: How change agents' emotions drive and evolve during digital transformation?
  • Dialogue between Emily Truelove and Timo Vuori
  • Aalto EE: How to learn more?

The webinar is free of charge. We will share the webinar recording after the event with all registrees.


Register for the webinar by September 7, 2023, before 14:30 (EET). You will get instructions on how to join the webinar in a separate email.


The Keynote Speakers

Emily Truelove is an Assistant Professor of Business Administration in the Organizational Behavior Unit at Harvard Business School, where she teaches LEAD in the MBA program. She teaches in the High Potentials Leadership Program, Leadership for Senior Executives, Leading Change and Organizational Renewal, and custom executive education programs.

Professor Truelove is a field researcher and studies the changing nature of work inside established organizations experiencing the digital transformation of their industries. She focuses on how members inside these organizations come to work in new ways amidst the shifting power dynamics involved in working across new boundaries, both inside and outside the firm, as they attempt to transform their organizations.

Professor Truelove also has a line of research examining the relationship between leadership and innovation. She co-authors Collective Genius: The Art and Practice of Leading Innovation (Harvard Business Review Press, 2014). Professor Truelove has been a keynote speaker worldwide at conferences and corporate leadership development events. She has designed and delivered custom workshops on her research for senior executives at organizations including American Express, Viacom, and NASA.

Her research has appeared in publications such as Harvard Business Review and Administrative Science Quarterly.

Professor Truelove has a Ph.D. from the MIT Sloan School of Management, a master's degree from Harvard University, and a bachelor's degree from Johns Hopkins University. She has lived and worked in South Africa and Malaysia.

Professor Timo O. Vuori is a strategy consultant and an Associate Professor in Strategic Management at Aalto University. His research on the psychological aspects of strategic management has been published in leading international journals and won several international awards. He has taught and presented his research at leading universities like Harvard and INSEAD. 

Professor Vuori's research and teaching focus on how companies formulate and execute strategies. He has written two books with senior business executives on these topics. "Living Strategy" describes scenario-based strategy-making in an ever-changing world. "Platform Strategy" describes how incumbent firms should and can renew themselves in the digital era. The books detail both the "hard" factors, such as technology and business models, and "soft" factors, such as people and psychology, influencing strategy and renewal.  

Professor Vuori works extensively with companies, often collaborating with a leading strategy consulting company. Vuori helps the client organization formulate and evaluate several strategic options in strategy formulation projects. He uses advanced psychological techniques to help leaders unleash their strategic creativity and overcome thinking myopias and personal biases. This approach is based on his cutting-edge international research, also described in the Platform Strategy. 

In strategy execution projects, Professor Vuori specializes in helping the client firm optimize the psychological engagement of the whole organization. He analyses the psychological impact of the intended strategy execution program and modifies it to leverage the organization's members' emotions for effectiveness maximally.

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